A Horizontal Infinite Protection LTD logo with a transparent background and white letters

crime prevention surveillance trailers

A mobile scout parked with the mast down

2 Panel Scout

A three panel scout fully deployed

3 Panel Scout

A four panel scout fully deployed with its mast up

4 Panel Scout

The Scout has become one of the most talked about Crime Prevention Surveillance Trailers on the market. This unit utilizes the latest Solar and Generator Powered Surveillance Technologies to help prevent crime without the loss of property, profit or even life.

With violent crime on the rise across the country, The Scouts can be customized to fit any scenario. From Facial Recognition, License Plate Recognition to Weapon Detection and Gunshot Detection Technology, The Scouts are the answer for the safety and security of any High School or College Campus, Public Event or simply as a Community Watchdog.

Now is the perfect time to add a Scout to your safety and security game plan. Combined with its low cost and financing options available, The Mobile Scout has never been more affordable!


What's Available?

Two mobile scouts parked side by side


Custom Surveillance Orders Available

Custom orders are a service that allows customers to customize their orders based on their specific needs and preferences. Customers can choose from a wide range of materials, features and other specifications that can be tailored to their exact specifications. The service also offers an array of delivery and payment options, allowing customers to get their custom order faster and more conveniently.

Turnkey solutions are ready-made packages of products, services and support that can be quickly deployed to solve a problem or meet a need. They are often used to provide an “infinite” solution with minimal setup time and effort.

The type of scout surveillance hardware you choose will depend on the specific application and budget. Some options include surveillance cameras, motion sensors, audio recorders, access control systems, facial recognition software, and GPS tracking devices.


What’s Our Process

Experience firsthand the efficiency and reliability of The Scout in real-world situations.

Demo the Scout

Select the model of scout you want to demo. Tell us what features are important. We will setup an onsite or online demo at no charge.

Building your scout

After having the opportunity to test a unit in real-life public scenarios, let's build The Scout that is just right for you.

Delivery and training

In 6-8 weeks after your custom design has been accepted your scout build will be complete. We will arrange delivery and free training.

Try Out Your Scout Today!