A Horizontal Infinite Protection LTD logo with a transparent background and white letters


Enhance Hardware, Deter Crime

Illuminate your surroundings and deter potential threats with high-quality outdoor security hardware from Infinite Protection LTD. Don’t let your property be a target for criminals lurking in the shadows.

Remote Accessibility

Utilize the Infinite Protection LTD Platform to conveniently manage your security lights remotely through your smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Accessible from anywhere, you can effortlessly toggle flood lights, activate strobe features, or personalize automated settings to suit your needs.

Enhance Security in Dimly Lit Spaces

Dimly lit areas create opportunities for undesirable activities, posing a threat to the safety of your customers and staff. Safeguard your premises by installing bright floodlights on a timed schedule, ensuring consistent illumination in dark zones. This added visibility not only enhances safety but also acts as a deterrent against potential security breaches.

Cloud Services

Cloud services have revolutionized the way businesses operate, allowing them to access massive amounts of data and computing power from anywhere in the world. With cloud-based solutions, organizations can access applications and services quickly and easily, reducing their need for software installation and maintenance.


Physical security equipment installation is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure physical environment. It requires careful planning, expert installation, and ongoing maintenance to ensure that the equipment is working effectively and providing the highest level of protection possible.

Drone Surveillance

Elevate your security with aerial monitoring. Our drones provide comprehensive coverage for maximum protection.

A drone hovering in the air

Mobile Surveillance

On-the-go security solutions. Our trailers offer rapid deployment and flexible monitoring for any location.

A Three Panel Mobile Scout with all of its doors open and parked in a parking lot

Motion Detection Hardware

Instant alerts for proactive security. Detect and respond to threats swiftly with our motion detection technology.

The scout using its infrared to detect and record the body temperature of people walking by
A certified cradle point network associate logo
A Authorised Axis Communications Partner logo
A Hanwha vision logo
A Axxonsoft's solutions partner logo

Try Out Your Scout Today!